Friday, January 29, 2010

Jumping in with both feet!

Thanks for stopping in and having a look-see at what is going on here at Double Barrel.

Im going to attempt to try to keep things updated so everyone can see whats going on. Maybe this will help me to take more pics and get them posted????

I sure can try.

Well, here goes....

Brent (right on his Sportster) started working in Wyoming last month. It started out to be a 2 week job and its grown to be almost a 10 week job. I shouldnt be complaining, because its work, but its 970 miles out to Cody, and it doesnt leave much time for us to get things done here at home when he is here!

Jenny (thats me) is still pretty much on the disabled list from her back surgery that happened just after Christmas. A ruptured disc takes time to heal. Meaning... Im not supposed to be doing anything! UGH!!! Its very tough, but I do cheat a bit and go check on the animals being very careful to watch were I walk, not slip, fall, or otherwise get knocked by them.

KJ and Jake have done a great job of stepping up to do chores each morning before school and in the evening after getting off the bus.

Big round bales of hay had made it very easy for them, they mostly only have to haul a few buckets of water to the sheep and chickens, and just make sure the horse tank stays full and thawed.

Both kids deer hunted this year, and KJ has been having fun trying for ducks. Jake is getting pretty handy with his .22 and bagging a few grouse. Oshki has been doing well to bring them in, altho more work is needed. Watch out for both of these guys at the North St Louis County Fair this year as well as (crossing fingers) the MN State Fair. With luck, we might even be able to attend the Kooch County Fair up in Littlefork this year.

Artie, the Maremma sheepdog, has been doing his job of letting the local coyotes and wolfs know he is here and his sheep arent to be messed with! Artie has been here for almost a year now, and altho he is still a bit aloof to us, he sure does act happy to see us and especially at feeding time!

Oshki, the labrador, has been able to take it easy these past couple months. I had to stop and think today that she is going to be 4 this year! I think I missed some time somewhere because I keep thinking she is only 2. She traveled to the vet today and sorta got a talking to about loosing her girlish figgure. She is very close to 80#. With me being laid up and Brent not home for some hunting, she hasnt been getting the workout she needs. I started cutting back on her meals a few weeks ago, and the vet said she could be cut back some more.

Our 2 cats, AC and DC made the trip today as well to the vet. They still needed their Rabies shots. Now all I have to do is figgure out how to get Artie's shots all caught up. In a few weeks we will be adding another dog, Misty, to our troop. She is an 8yr old Border Collie, who is at the point that she cannot handle the long distances of moving sheep at her current home, so this will become a semi-retirement home for her. I am reading up on just what a working sheep dog does! I have a feeling I have my work cut out for me.

Well, Im going to close for today. I think I accomplised much. =-) Remember, Im not supposed to be doing anything!

Until later ~~ Jenny


  1. Looking forward to good reports on the new family member!! Love the pictures!
    You can get a 3-in-1 or a 5-in-1 at TSC or probably another feed-type store for Artie. But not a rabies... Not exactly a lap dog, is he?

  2. Great job, I think this will be on my favorite lists immediately!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How often does Brent commute to work?

    My friend's ex used to drive 400 miles one way, but he would stay all week and just be home on the weekend.

    (I deleated the previous post because of an embarrasing spelling error, lol)

  5. It depends on where the job is, Kym. Now he is in WY, so will put in 2 weeks then come home. If he is working somewhere close by, he will only be gone for the week. Put in his 40 and come home.
